Author: Laurence
Tips for writing a bloody brilliant award entry
Are you a Frodo Baggins, carrying a great burden that you eventually deposit into the right recycling bin? There’s an award for that.
Stories from a century of invoices
Celebrating my 100th invoice as a freelancer by looking at four of my favourite working experiences to date.
How do our opinions on the climate crisis compare with the rest of the world?
A quick summary of the key takeaways from the largest ever public survey on the climate emergency.
The privilege of communicating something really worthwhile
Spreading the word about one of the biggest crises we face today: Food poverty.
Mr. Cummings is right: Energy efficiency is boring
Energy efficiency is the answer to rebuilding the economy. But first we need to make it sexy.
How to tell when a business is walking the walk on climate change
There’s no hiding from the climate emergency. But how can we tell the heroes from the tick boxers?